Graphtec CE6000-40 Cutting Strips
Frequently Asked Questions:
What Kind of Graphtec cutters are available ?
Heat Transfer Warehouse offers the Graphtec CE7000 and the Graphtec FC9000 cutters in many different widths.
What replaced the Graphtec CE-6000 ?
The Graphtec CE-7000 Series replaced the Graphtec CE-6000.
How to install Graphtec CE-7000 ?
Install the driver and software to your computer. Then connect the cutter to your pc. For more information follow the instructions in the manual of your cutter.
How do you install the FC9000 cutter ?
Install the driver and software to your computer. Then connect the cutter to your pc. For more information follow the instructions in the manual of your cutter.
What kind of materials can I cut with my Graphtec ?
You can cut heat transfers, adhesive vinyl,paper, stickers, window film, cardstock, magnet sheets, window film.
What software works with the Graphtec ?
Cutting Master 5 and Graphtex Studio 2click this link for more information.
What kind of files work with a Graphtec CE7000 ?
Two types of file formats are supported by the GL instruments are GBD binary file and CSV ascii files